Directory Listing: Computer Vision
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2006 - Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning - [Bishop].pdf
2012 - Programming Computer Vision with Python [Jan Erik Solem].pdf
2014 - A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV [Kenneth Dawson-Howe].pdf
2016 - Learning OpenCV [ Kaehler, Bradski ].pdf
2016 - Practical Python and OpenCV - [Adrian Rosebrock].pdf
2017 - Computer-vision with python-3 [Saurabh Kapur].pdf
2017 - Computer-Vision with python-3[Saurabh Kapur] ColorImages.pdf
2017 - Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python [Rosebrock].pdf
2017 - Machine Learning for OpenCV. [Beyeler].pdf
2017 - OpenCV-3. Computer vision application. Programming cookbook. [Laganiere].pdf
2018 - Deep Learning in Biometrics. [Vatsa, Singh, Majumdar] - [CRC Press].pdf
2019 - Hands on computer vision with tensorflow 2.pdf
2019 - Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing - [Singh].pdf
2020 - Learing OpenCV 4 with Python 3 [Howse, Minichino].pdf
2020 - Learing OpenCV 4 with Python 3 [Howse, Minichino]_.pdf
2020 - Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming[Pajankar].pdf